Soil Testing – Land Contamination Assessments

Land Contamination Remediation Project – Sydney

Soils are considered potentially contaminated if they:

  • have been mixed with any wastes, or
  • contain soil of unknown origin that has been brought onto a site, or
  • arise from sites where former uses include industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural activities, or
  • have had manufactured chemicals applied.

Integrated Environmental offers the following Land Contamination Assessment Services:

  • Soil Contamination Assessments for Council development applications
  • Preliminary Site Investigation (Stage 1)
  • Detailed Site Investigation (Stage 2)
  • Remedial Action Plans / Site Management Plans (Stage 3)
  • Validation (Stage 4)
  • Soil Waste Classification
  • Acid Sulfate Soil
  • Assessment and Management
  • Testing for specific contaminants e.g contamination caused by PFC containing firefighting foams

Reasons for requiring a Land Contamination Assessment include:

Planning and development

Authorities of participating jurisdictions (at local and State government level) that consent to developments, or changes in land use, should ensure a site that is being considered for development or a change in land use, and that the authorities ought reasonably know if it has a history of use that is indicative of potential contamination, is suitable for its intended use.

Decommissioning of industrial activities

Industries are responsible for ensuring that, when equipment on a site is dismantled or a site is otherwise decommissioned, appropriate measures are taken to leave the site in a safe and stable condition in order to prevent or, as far as practical, minimise adverse long-term environmental (physical, social and economic) impacts.

Availability of site contamination information

Without detracting from any obligation of disclosure, which may exist at law, all relevant information on site contamination should be accessible to the community and particularly to those who need to make informed decisions, for example, potential land purchasers.  Prospective purchasers of land should make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves regarding the condition of a site and any financial liabilities that may apply for the current use or the proposed future use of the land.

Risk to Human Health

Human health should be a primary concern when assessing land use and exposure scenarios.
There should be appropriate occupational health and safety measures (including training) for personnel involved in assessment of site contamination.
Community health assessment and monitoring for specific health effects may be warranted where appraisal has indicated a significant risk of exposure to contamination.

Environmental impact

The assessment of site contamination should include a consideration of risks to water resources and other ecological risks.During the assessment, the on-site and off-site impacts of contaminants should be appropriately managed to prevent adverse impacts, particularly impacts relating to air emissions, surface water and groundwater.

For more information contact Paul on 0448 298 485 or email